Architechnosecurigeek. Tinkerer. General trouble maker.
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Council Wants to Increase Lateral Police Hiring Bonuses to $50,000 and Make Bonus Program Permanent

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By Erica C. Barnett City Council President Sara Nelson is sponsoring legislation, proposed by Mayor Bruce Harrell’s office, that would…

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2 days ago
Arlington, VA
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Chinese company develops 65nm-capable lithography machine for domestic chipmaking — system still trails behind TSMC and Nikon, though

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The Chinese government says domestic companies have developed litho tools capable of 65nm and 110nm resolution.

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2 days ago
It is unlikely that the Chinese will stay far behind for very long. And then what?
Arlington, VA
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TSMC's first High-NA EUV litho tool to begin installation this month say industry insiders

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TSMC to start installing High-NA EUV system for R&D purposes this month.

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8 days ago
Few things look more sci-fi.
Arlington, VA
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NeoPixel Simulated Liquid Physics

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Led pixels oozemaster thumb

This OOZE MASTER 3000: NeoPixel Simulated Liquid Physics tutorial is just one of the MANY halloween themed guides in our learn system!

This project lets you dress up a window, Halloween prop or wall decoration with eye-catching LEDs that simulate dripping liquid, but leave no mess behind…it’s a completely dry effect!

Also, just changing the color and the prop, this is perfectly usable for Christmas decor as well. This is one of those “sandbox projects” that can fit wherever your imagination takes it…I’m just really partial to Halloween, so that’s what’s demonstrated here. Raawr!

Check out the full guide in the adafruit learn system!

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9 days ago
Arlington, VA
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AT&T Sues Broadcom For Breaching VMware Support Extension Contract

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AT&T has filed a lawsuit against Broadcom, alleging that Broadcom is refusing to honor an extended support agreement for VMware software unless AT&T purchases additional subscriptions it doesn't need. The company warns the consequences could risk massive outages for AT&T's customer support operations and critical federal services, including the U.S. President's office. The Register reports: A complaint [PDF] filed last week in the Supreme Court of New York State explains that AT&T holds perpetual licenses for VMware software and paid for support services under a contract that ends on September 8. The complaint also alleges that AT&T has an option to extend that support deal for two years -- provided it activates the option before the end of the current deal. AT&T's filing claims it exercised that option, but that Broadcom "is refusing to honor" the contract. Broadcom has apparently told AT&T it will continue to provide support if the comms giant "agrees to purchase scores of subscription services and software." AT&T counters that it "does not want or need" those subscriptions, because they: - Would impose significant additional contractual and technological obligations on AT - Would require AT&T to invest potentially millions to develop its network to accommodate the new software; - May violate certain rights of first refusal that AT&T has granted to third parties; - Would cost AT&T tens of millions more than the price of the support services alone. [...] The complaint also suggests Broadcom's refusal to extend support creates enormous risk for US national security -- some of the ~8,600 servers that host AT&T's ~75,000 VMs "are dedicated to various national security and public safety agencies within the federal government as well as the Office of the President." Other VMs are relied upon by emergency responders, and still more "deliver services to millions of AT&T customers worldwide" according to the suit. Without support from Broadcom, AT&T claims it fears "widespread network outages that could cripple the operations of millions of AT&T customers worldwide" because it may not be able to fix VMware's software.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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11 days ago
Talk about two companies I can loathe equally.
Arlington, VA
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The PlasMa mini-mainframe simulator

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PlasMa simulates a complete mini/mainframe system in a self-contained desktop-sized box with real lights and switches. The system is comprised of a simulated ‘mini-like’ processor with a small amount of main memory, and simulated ‘mainframe-like’ peripherals such as a paper tape reader and punch, mag tapes, exchangeable disks and an operators console.

The processor is ‘micro-coded’ and can run (currently) 3 different instruction sets; two based on the Princeton TOY architecture with 2K words memory for educational use, and a more advanced home-grown ISA based on NICE, with 64K words memory and floating point.

The simulation runs on an ATmega2560 MCU which also controls the user-interface comprising approx 540 LEDs, 100 switches, 6 SD-cards for the storage peripherals, LCD screen, keypad, speaker, Centronics interface for a dot-matrix printer, PS/2 interface for a qwerty keyboard… and a MIDI in & out interface for fun.

See the video below and more on

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20 days ago
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